We are delighted to share the interview to our CEO Agnès Arbat on #Lideratges, Ariadna’s Belver Comin program, where they have given voice to women who have entrepreneurial projects. 📢📢
During the interview, OXOLIFE origins were presented, how Agnès and Ignasi Canals started from zero and then, thanks to loans such as Enisa, the start-up has grown to what it is now, conduction the phase II clinical trial OXOART2.
Thanks to Onda Cero for giving us voice and enabling to share our story that makes us so proud, and to Anna Cañadell, CEO of BCOME for sharing the table and experiences.
🎙️ You can listen to the interview at https://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/catalunya/empresa-femeni-amb-dra-agnes-arbat-founder-ceo-cmo-oxolife_20221006633f18d7c85ed50001686c13.html