Exceptional multi-national scientific advisory board
Prof. Dr. Juan A. García Velasco
Chairman of the Oxolife Scientific Adboard CSO IVIRMA Global, Spain
Prof. Dr. Baris Ata Koç
University School of Medicine Turkey
Prof. Dr. Shari Mackens
Brussels IVF, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Scott Nelson
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Dr. Georg Griesinger
University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Prof. Dr. Anja Pinborg
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
Prof. Geoffrey Trew
Fertility Partnership Group, UK
Prof. Dr. José Bellver
IVIRMA & Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Prof. Dr. Nicolás Garrido
IVIRMA Global & Universidad de Valencia, Spain
MSc Josep Pla-Victori
IVIRMA Global, Spain
Eduardo Cuchillos
CEO and Founder INNOQUA , Spain