Exceptional multi-national scientific advisory board

• CSO for IVIRMA Global and Director of IVI Madrid. Also, professor for Obs&Gyn at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, and director of their Master’s Degree in Human Reproduction
• More than 220 peer-reviewed articles published as well as 31 book chapters on human reproduction. Editor of RBMO
• Principal Investigator of projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Health of Spain, and has received awards from the SEF, SEGO and ESHRE
Prof. Dr. Juan A. García Velasco
Chairman of the Oxolife Scientific Adboard CSO IVIRMA Global, Spain

• IVF Specialist at ART Fertility Clinics, Dubai, UAE and professor at Koç University School of Medicine, Istanbul
• President of the Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine and former executive Committee Member of the ESHRE.
• More than 150 publications in leading journals. Editorial boards of international and local scientific journals, such as Hum. Reprod Update, Human reproduction, and Reproductive BioMedicine Online.
Prof. Dr. Baris Ata Koç
University School of Medicine Turkey

• Medical Director in Brussels IVF and clinical professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
• 11 years of basic science research on endometrial receptivity and human embryo implantation from 2012-2020
• Authored 44 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and lectures. Editor for RBMO
Prof. Dr. Shari Mackens
Brussels IVF, Belgium

• Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the University of Glasgow and a consultant for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Also visiting professor at the University of Bristol
• Medical Director of Access Fertility and Scientific Director of The Fertility Partnership
• Authored over 227 scientific articles and book chapters
• Has received grants from NIH, MRC, Scottish Health department, among others and received awards from ESHRE
Prof. Dr. Scott Nelson
University of Glasgow, UK

• Chair at the Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Luebeck, Germany and full professor at Luebeck University
• Board member of the ESHRE since 2013 and member of the WHO infertility guidelines group
• Authored more than 120 scientific articles, reviews and book contributions. Main author for Nolasiban (ObsEVA) publications. Editor of several national and international scientific journals
Prof. Dr. Georg Griesinger
University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

• Medical Director and professor at the Fertility Department at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital
• Former ESHRE executive committee member. Also, past chairman for the Nordic Fertility Society
• Authored ≥ 250 peer.-reviewed journals, 7 book chapters. Former of editor Hum. Reprod. Upd.,RBMO and ACTA Obs/Gyn Scand
• Principal investigator in the Reprounion collaboration and member of the steering committee of CoNARTaS (Committee of Nordic ART and Safety)
• Deputy editor of Human Reproduction Open
Prof. Dr. Anja Pinborg
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

• Founder and Clinical Director of The Fertility Partnership Group, UK and board member of the Fertility Associates, New Zealand’s leading fertility provider
• Consultant in reproductive medicine and surgery and worked at the Hammersmith Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, for > 20 years
• Hon Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London
• Published over 100 peer reviewed papers, over 20 book chapters. Grants from Welcome Trust, NIHR and MRC
Prof. Geoffrey Trew
Fertility Partnership Group, UK

• Attending gynecologist at IVI-RMA Valencia, clinical researcher at IVI Foundation and at University Hospital la Fe and associate professor at the University of Valencia.
• Published 258 original articles or book chapters, including 109 papers in international journals. Editor of 12 books regarding human reproduction. Scientific editor in British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, member of several boards and reviewer of 22 journals focused on Obs&Gyn
• Invited in more than 100 international lectures and participated in 170 oral/poster presentations in international and national congresses
Prof. Dr. José Bellver
IVIRMA & Universidad de Valencia, Spain

• Director, Research Administration, Research/Innovation, IVIRMA Global Research Alliance and IVI Foundation Director
• Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Andrology Section Editor
• Fertility and Sterility Editorial Board Member
• ESHRE SIG-Andrology Past Coordinator
• Adjunct Professor at the University of Valencia
• Authored almost 500 abstracts in national and international meetings, more than 80 book chapters, and 225 articles in scientific journals
Prof. Dr. Nicolás Garrido
IVIRMA Global & Universidad de Valencia, Spain

• Certified Genetic Counselor by the EBMG (EGC-88) and currently Global Coordinator of the Reproductive Genetics Unit at IVI-RMA clinics.
• Former President of the Spanish Society of Genetic
Counseling (SEAGen), currently Coordinator of the Reproductive Genetics Interest Group of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), and a member of the Reproductive Genetics Interest Group of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
• Expert in reproductive genetic counseling, clinical genetics, carrier screening tests, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), biovigilance, and genetics of infertility and pregnancy loss.
• Lecturer in 8 master’s programs in the field of genetics
nd reproduction.
MSc Josep Pla-Victori
IVIRMA Global, Spain

• Founder of INNOQUA Toxicology Consultants with over 35 years dedicated to the safety assessment of drugs, and 20 years as a consultant facilitating pharmaceutical companies’ access to clinical phases and approval of more than 50 new therapies.
• Advisor on reproductive and developmental toxicology.
• Member of Spanish Veterinary Specialists in Small Animal Reproduction and Pediatrics.
• Liaison with regulatory authorities on nonclinical development programs.
Eduardo Cuchillos
CEO and Founder INNOQUA , Spain